NOV 14 – 6pm @ CCSP – Sala de Ensaio I

New types of actions for social movements: hacking the corporate world. The importance of LGBTQI+ work groups to address discussions about diversity and inclusion (D&I) in corporations. Man, white, gay, english speaker: privileges within diversity. D&I actions within offices: Who’s left out? What about pink money? What can be positive when it comes to it? Beyond labels and D&I awarding: Is there a follow-up to the commitments taken by businesses?

Ana Flávia Bezerra

Cisgender, black and lesbian woman, operations manager, leader of Pride group in her company, member of Caneca na Mesa.


Melissa Cassimiro

Trans, black woman, lawyer and senior consultant, member of Pride group in her company, percussionist of Ilú Obá de Min, member of Caneca na Mesa.


Laércio Cardoso

Cisgender, white, gay man, father of three, 60-years-old, strategy consultant, member of Homopater and Caneca na Mesa.


Mediation: Eduardo Santos

Cisgender, white, fat, gay man, masters degree in gender and human rights, D&I consultant, member of Revolta da Lâmpada and Caneca na Mesa.


NOV 17 – 7pm @ CCSP – Sala de Ensaio I

The table gathers professionals form Brazil a Netherlands’s gaming industry to discuss the role of video games in the pursuit of a more diverse and socially fair society.

Amanda Sparks

José Henrique (Amanda Sparks), independent game designer based in São Paulo. Also a cosplayer drag queen who develops games based on his drag persona.


Sabina Dirks

An experienced project and events manager, working in the game industry for over a decade, leading and supporting a great variety of conferences, events, game jams and summits.


Camila Malaman

Partner-director of Webcore Games. She’s also a consultant of diversity in the Diversity Council of Associação Brasileira das Desenvolvedoras de Jogos Digitais (Abragames) (Brazil’s Digital Games Developer Association).

Simon Gamboa

Venezuelan living in Brazil for over ten years. Graduate in electronic engineering on University Simón Bolivar (Caracas, Venezuela). He directs user talent acquisition for marketing performance in Tapps Games, one of the biggest mobile games developers in Brazil.

Mediation: Marina Pecoraro
Journalist, working with games since 2014. Director of communication in Abragames and Projeto de Exportação Brazil Games (Brazil Games Export Project), a partnership between Abragames and Apex-Brasil. She’s a producer of BIG Festival, the largest independent games festival in Latin America, and a curator of BIG Impact.

NOV 19 – 7pm @ CCSP – Sala Jardel Filho

Table on a positive future, social innovation and diversity (experiences and moments that leverage social changes and the social puzzle to optimize LGBTQI+ future in exponential scale) in professional, cultural and political settings. Actual and current cases and actions with a clear LGBTQI+ impact in the large-scale future.

Eliana Audi

Psychologist, specialized in stress and behaviour, post graduate in experimental psychology through USP, writer and articulator, she works as director in Auster, a company specialized in behavioural management.

Maite Schneider
Psychologist, specialized in stress and behaviour, post graduate in experimental psychology through USP, writer and articulator, she works as director in Auster, a company specialized in behavioural management.


João Luiz Vieira
He’s a partner and editorial director in PPQO, a sexuality website, and in producing company 2+ Ideias. Since 2017 he’s been partner to Kahuê Rozzi in the project Sexo Sem Medo (Sex Without Fear), on YouTube. Currently, he’s also a columnist on sexuality at UOL, Folha de Pernambuco and Futuro do Sexo.

Mediation: Demetrio Teodorov
Futurist and strategist, his professional and personal goal is to build the future in the present. After attending Disney Institute, INSEAD, Perestroika, Harvard Business School, MIT Sloan School of Management and Singularity University, he’s aimed thought at the concept of exponentiality.