NOV 16 – 3pm @ CCSP – Sala de Ensaio I

Brazil, 2019: the first trimester of the year saw a 76% increase in cases of femicide; São Paulo is the state that kills the most lesbians nationwide; in the past year, over 180 cases of rape per day were recorded; a woman is assaulted every four minutes, 70% of the population from occupations are women. This table gathers a group of women sharing their stories and struggles to prove that, more than data and numbers, this is Brazil’s reality. How to survive this whilst keeping mental health in check?

Elisabeth Soares

Psychologist, works in the clinic and social fields, with a people-centered approach.


Luana Hansen

DJ, MC, music producer, speaker, feminist and LGBTQI+ activist for over 20 years in the hip-hop movement.


Monica Benicio

Raised in Maré favela, she’s feminist and human rights activist. Graduated in architecture (Pontifical Catolic University of Rio de Janeiro) and master’s student in architecture and urbanism.


Fernanda Gomes

Social assistant. Member of the Luana Barbosa, Brejo da Sul, Samba Negras em Marcha and Siga Bem Caminhoneira collectives.


Lúcia Udemezue

Educator, social scientist and researcher in the antropology of popular cultures. Works in the field of public policies for issues of gender, race and ethnicity.


NOV 16 – 5pm @ CCSP – Sala de Ensaio I

Throughout history, cinema has been an art-form ran mostly by men, and to women all that was left was the role of an object depicted through male point of view. Reverting this scenario, we watch the growing professionalization of women behind the scenes. However, amongst this fight there are still minorities struggling for acknowledgment in a field that is as sexist as it is classist: black, lesbian and transgender women. This talk focuses on the obstacles and accomplishments of these professionals that still are invisiblized even within a minority.

Ana Flavia Cavalcanti
Além do Tempo e Malhação – Viva a Diferença on Rede Globo. She’s part of the cast of the TV serie named Sob Pressão. RÃ, her directing debut, is being edited. Ana Flavia is the creator of the performances A Babá Quer Passear (The Babysitter Wants to Sighsee) and Serviçal (Maid).

Julia Katharine

Actress, screenwriter and filmmaker. She acted and co-wrote Lembro Mais dos Corvos (I Remember the Crows) (2018). Julia won the Helena Ignez Award, dedicated to the works of women in cinema, at the 21st Tiradentes Film Festival.

Carol Rodrigues

Director and screenwriter of films such as Their Happiness, participates in screenwriting teams of many TV series.


Lina Chamie

With awarded films screened in and outside Brazil, her cinema experiments with language and is permeated with a humanist character.


NOV 20 – 5pm @ CCSP – Sala Jardel Filho

A talk with women sharing their experiences in ghetto production: How different are these narratives? May we say this is a social and cinematic movement? Is this perspective inherent to a social character, to its collectiveness?

Fernanda Correia – Coletivo Nós, Madalenas

Nós, Madalenas Collective: sharing the same issues, such as gender inequality, social inequality, and the feminine.


Mayara Efe

Graduated in Broadcasting, with a specialty in cinematographic direction. CEO and creative director at Ira Filmes, a production company that creates several audiovisual productions for the internet.

Micheli Moreira

Member of the Luana Barbosa, Zoooom and Periferia Preta collectives. Graduated in business administration. Activist in issues of marginalization, gender and race.


Thais Scabio

Filmmaker, filmclubist and artistic educator. Iniciated in the audio-visual scene through cultural workshops in the city of Diadema, in 1999.