NOV 17 – 3pm @ CCSP – Sala de Ensaio I

To LGBTQI+ black people, the layering of oppression means a disproportionate load on their mental and physical health. In this setting, how much does society acknowledge racism as a factor of mental sickening, and how much its effects are taking into account for therapeutic intervention? In times of a potential post-HIV future, how can there be still so many Aids-related deaths, especially to black people?

Flip Couto

Creator of Amem Collective, member of Cia. Sansacrona and House of Zion; discusses through arte: race, class, gender, sexuality and Aids in black populations.


Lidiane Araújo
Psychologist, body psychotherapist, specialized in community health, antiracism activist. She’s worked within the mental health department of São Paulo’s city hall. Researches mental health in black populations.


Pedro Pires

Clinic psychologist, teacher on Oficina de Corpo at Cursinho Popular Transformação, one of the founding members and musician of transfeminist project ParaTodes.


Mediation: Cadu Oliveira

Intersectional activist in the black, LGBTQI+, people living with HIV/Ainds and anti-patriarchy movements.


NOV 17 – 5pm @ CCSP – Sala de Ensaio I

In 2020, the World Health Organization will no longer classify transgender people as mentally ill. How may this process, taking into account the current political landscape, influence the access to health by travestis, trans men and women in São Paulo? Network of Trans People Living with HIV/Aids (RNTTHP). Graduated in public administration, LGBTQI+ activist with a specialty in political articulation.

Ana Amorim

Primary care physician and community doctor. Member of the Municipal Committee of LGBT Health. Activitst for LGBTQI+, feminist and public health issues.


Fernanda de Moraes
Transgender black woman and ialorixá of candomblé, graduated in social services. Executive secretary of the National Association of Travestis and Transsexuals (Antra), state coordinator of the National Forum of Black Travestis and Transsexuals (Fonatrans) and president of the APHRODITTESP Institute.

Lam Matos

Indigenous black transmasculine man from Ceilândia who challenges toxic masculinity, rebukes masculine cis-hetero normative standards and speaks fluently.


Nicolle Mahier
President of AMAPÔ SP, state representative of the Brazilian Association of Lesbians, Gays, Travestis, Transsexuals and Intersex People (ABGLT) and of the Network of Trans People Living with HIV/Aids (RNTTHP). Graduated in public administration, LGBTQI+ activist with a specialty in political articulation.

Magô Tonhon
Gender and sexuality researcher and consultant and master in philosophy. Works at the A Revolta da Lâmpada collective and as a community educator at the House of Research of the Reference and Treatment Center for STIs/Aids.


NOV 19 – 3pm @ CCSP – Sala Jardel Filho

During Mix Brasil, this table will be discussing the role of social media in facing HIV, in an effort to help spread trusted information about the subject and help prevent new infections, so as to make young people less vulnerable to the lack of information and prevention campaigns.

Gabriel Comicholi
It was April Fools’ when Gabriel Comicholi, then 21, started his online diary to tell the irrefutable results of his exams. Three days after confirming his status, he published his first “HDiário” in his eponymous YouTube channel.


Rafael Bolacha
Bolacha (childhood nickname) start a blog to write about his fears, angsts, challenges and accomplishments. The project grew and got its printed version. Titled Uma vida positiva (A positive life), the book has been adopted as a classroom material by Columbia University. He’s also a part of Chá dos 5, a YouTube channel with an “opinionated and laid-back format”.

Mediation: Roseli Tardelli
Journalist. In 1994, after her brother’s passing due to Aids related complications, she started to dedicate herself to communication and culture actions related to HIV/Aids. She created, 12 years ago, the Aids News Agency; and, in 2009, the Sida Agency, in Mozambique. She released the documentary Aids, as respostas das ONGs no mundo (Aids, the answers from NGOs in the world) and the book O valor da vida – 10 anos da Agência Aids (The value of life – 10 years of Aids Agency). In April 2015 she launched the project Lá em Casa (In Our Home).

NOV 19 – 6pm @ CCSP – Sala Jardel Filho

HIV/Aids may finally be kept under control within some groups of cisgender, gay and bisexual men, mainly white, who’s got access to PrEP, treatment and proper health care. In this futurist present (that has not arrived to all) of new sexualities and emerging health issues, how can we reconcile self-care and enjoying sexual rights?

Bernardo Banduni Rahe

Homem cis gay, médico psiquiatra, membro da AGLP e WPATH, trabalha com saúde mental da população LGBTQIA+, sexualidade, dependências químicas e não-químicas.

Kadu Tavares
Biólogo, psicólogo e mestre em Psicologia Experimental, com especialização em terapia comportamental e em saúde coletiva, trabalha com saúde LGBTQIA+ e Redução de Danos.


Léo Dutra

Owner of CaBBaré party, activist, currently a community leader on American research BELIEVE for the cure of HIV, bound to UP’s Medical School.



Thiago Roberto Alberto
Producer of the PopPorn and Dando parties.


Mediation: Carué Contreiras

Non-binary queer living with HIV/Aids, paediatrician and sanitarian, community education coordinator on Research House of STD/Aids Reference and Treatment Center.


2018’s HEALTH