
Emilia returns to her village after living a long time in the city. The break with Ana, her girlfriend, hastened the decision.

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Rating: 14 y/o

DIRECTION: César Sodero
Country Argentina Year: 2020 DURATION:: 97′

Elenco/Cast: Sofía Palomino, Claudia Cantero, Ezequiel Díaz, Camila Peralta, Nina Dziembrowski, Fernando Contigiani, Jorge Sesán Roteiro/Screenplay: César Sodero Fotografia/Cinematography: Pigu Gomez (ADF) Montagem/Editing: Sebastián Schjaer Som/Sound: Emiliano Biaiñ, Marcos Zoppi Música/Music: Mariana Debenedetti Arte/Production Design: Delfina Vélez Funes Produção/Production: Juan Pablo Miller

SINOPSYS: Emilia returns to her village after living a long time in the city. The break with Ana, her girlfriend, hastened the decision. She moves to her mother’s house and gets a job as a teacher at school. Gradually, Emilia will be reunited with the townspeople, with the affections of the past, but also with the feelings that made her emigrate. The town, which Emilia always found to be a static and predictable place, will become the space that will give her a new chance to redefine the meaning of her life. Official selection at Rotterdam.


2016 Una Mujer en el Boque


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